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Friday, April 23, 2010

Week Recap

This has been a crazy week for me. the first thing that happened was that my shoe split down the seam. A picture of this will come later. It was like someone took a knife and spit the shoe in two perfect pieces. Needless to say that this happened on Marathon Monday.

Now for anyone who doesn't know what that is I will explain. This is the day that the Boston Marathon is ran in Boston. The significance of this day is that there is also a Red Sox game at home every year, as well. Both the end of the race and Fenway Park are not very far from one another. I also work there too. So I had to go buy new shoes in the middle of this mess of people from all over the world who had no idea their head from their feet to put it nicely. I ended up spending a ton on shoes and it was a very high anxiety situation.

I also am a huge Alfred Hitchcock fan. I am however stating this for a reason not to just put it out there. I saw The Saboteur this week. I was actually not overly impressed with it. it was well directed and there was a lot of suspense but as te movie unfolded it just brought up more questions that it never answered. I think it could have had a better ending.

Until Next Time.

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Saturday, April 17, 2010


I went looking at apartments yesterday. I can say that I have only looked at apartments one other time, but I think that I have encountered a first.

We were shown an apartment that our Realtor thought was vacant, but let me tell you it wasn't.

Now let me fill you in on the full story. we were told that the person that was there was staying there until they got back on their feet. I walk in and I think to myself that there is an awful lot of things in the apartment for it to be someone that is just living there in a short time.

as we see more of it, and let me tell you it was not very impressive, we find out from the man showing us the place that they people there either had just moved in, and were not moving out.

To end this fantastic story it turned out to be quite awkward. The guy showing us the place was pretty embarrassed. I didn't quite know what to do. We just sort of moved on. I didn't really know what to do.

Until next time.


I was searching Facebook when I cam across a really funny video from our favorite 10 year old kids from Colorado.

I this is one of my favorite clips of all the options, and I can't find the full version with all the little clips, but I feel everyone should see the entire episode.

This is just a small example of what is wrong with our country. I an also say that I am as at fault I am on Facebook all the time.

Anywho enjoy.

Until next time.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I feel that it went really well. I liked the shots that I got. A few of the cast members emailed me back to say that they had a great time and loved working with us. This was one of my goals for the shoot. The reason for that is because as the "Man in charge" I need to have respect, and also get done what I need to get done. I feel that as a producer that I did a good job.

The one thing that I started doing about half way through the day was finally making decisions. It got a little ridiculous at one point when the actors got a bit out of hand at the end of the day when questionable remarks were being made. I stepped in and told them, like I should have what was exactly going to happen. Without question they did it, which really made me happy.

Until next time.

Friday, April 9, 2010

I just wanted to quickly post about A hole cops. I was riding in a car tonight and there was someone driving dangerously close to us. As they pulled around to my side i flipped him off. It turned out to be a cop. They were baitng us.

Nothing happened, but I find it quite wrong for policemen to be able to ride someone bait them to speed ahead and then possibly pull them over.

That's all I have really there was no need for what he did.

Until next time.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Daily Grill

We are shooting a commercial for a contest for the Daily Grill. I am pretty excited about it. We put an ad out on Craigslist and we have gotten a few responses and confirmation.

I think it is going to go over really well, and I think it is going to look really good.

Also I wanted to talk about Josh Sacco. This kid is amazing. He recorded a version of the speech given by Herb Brooks in the Semi Final game of the 1980 Olympics.

He was called in and tweaked the speech and replaced the Soviets with the Yankees. No matter who the speech is about it gives me chills.

Take a look for yourself

Saturday, April 3, 2010


It has been a long time since I last posted. My company is doing pretty well. We have finished the treatment for our latest project. I am excited about it. It is too early for me to divulge any information about it. Only very special people are privy to knowing what it is all about.

Other than that nothing too crazy is going on. Only that I have a dog now.

Until next time.